
From Seeing to Acting

The exhibition invites us to (re)consider the mutual relationships between seeing and acting. How are the seer, the seen and the act of seeing entangled? How can art contribute to perceiving the world in a reciprocal way, recognizing the agency of the more-than-human? In what way can art cultivate an attitude of receptivity and being-with the world?

From Seeing to Acting presents thirteen artists working with photography, video, sculpture, installation, drawing, and smell. The selected artworks generate various modes of ‘participatory perception’ and stimulate us to experience seeing as animation: a movement enacted by the perceiving body and the brain in concert with the environment (which perceives us too). The exhibition heightens awareness about the ambiguous relationships between the distance of seeing and the intimacy of touching, smelling and hearing. Seeing and acting are reciprocal, happen simultaneously and evolve in multiple dimensions, involving all the senses in acts of synesthesia.

From Seeing to Acting is a sequel to Radical Reversibility’s previous exhibition at Looiersgracht 60, called Seeing Without a Seer (2018), where the emphasis lay on alternatives to the linear perspective inherent in mainstream visual culture.

Opening hours Looiersgracht 60 (during exhibitions): Wed-Sun 12-8 PM (Free admission).

Participating artists
Terike Haapoja (FI), Mustapha Azeroual (FR/MA), Yoichi Kamimura (JP), Sema Bekirovic (NL), Spiros Hadjidjanos (GR), Nicolas Sassoon & Rick Silva (FR/CA/US), Gwenneth Boelens (NL), Peter Bogers (NL), George Shiras III (re-interpreted by RR), Murat Yıldız (TR), Frank Bloem (NL), and new works made especially for the occasion by RR members Hiryczuk/Van Oevelen (FR/NL) and Martine Stig in dialogue with Ilse van Rijn (NL).

Radical Reversibility
Radical Reversibility (RR) is a practice and research-based arts platform interested in the interplay between image, gaze and perception. 


16 September 2021


3 October 2021


Looiersgracht 60, Amsterdam (Wed-Sun 12-8PM)



In This Program

The light at the end of darkness might be fireMurat Yildiz2020

The light at the end of darkness might be fire, Murat Yildiz, 2020

Murat Yildiz


In the process of ‘Non-eye centric’ drawings I put myself in a passive state by closing my eyes. I close my eyes because I want to get away from the dominance of my eyesight and let other eyes join and make decisions.

Unfolded (Branch)Spiros Hadjidjanos2019

Unfolded (Branch), Spiros Hadjidjanos, 2019

Spiros Hadjidjanos


This work starts from a 3D-scan of a sculptural object, which is then ‘unfolded’ digitally. This leads to a new series of digital images which are then sent to a laser cutter, creating a new ‘unfolded’ version of the original sculptural object.

EntropyTerike Haapoja2004

Entropy, Terike Haapoja, 2004

Terike Haapoja


The video installation Entropy shows in life size the cooling down of a horse’s body after its death, recorded with an infrared camera. The original recording of 9 hours has been edited to a 25 minutes loop.

RadianceMustapha Azeroual2019

Radiance, Mustapha Azeroual, 2019

Mustapha Azeroual


Radiance is a work on the recording of colour in photography, based on the assumption that the photographer has only a limited control over the colours he records and reproduces photographically due to the very nature of the medium.

Echo#1Mustapha Azeroul2015

Echo#1, Mustapha Azeroul, 2015

Mustapha Azeroual


The Echo series is a continuation of the ELLIOS project conducted in partnership with LESIA (Pôle d’Observation du soleil de l’Observatoire de Paris-Meudon) on a photographic study of the sun.

Echo/ Corps Noir #1Mustapha Azeroual2017

Echo/ Corps Noir #1, Mustapha Azeroual, 2017

Mustapha Azeroual


Through this work, Mustapha Azeroual tends to materialize the light, condition of the visible, paradoxically invisible.

The Radiance of Sensible HeatSema Bekirovic2016

The Radiance of Sensible Heat, Sema Bekirovic, 2016

Sema Bekirovic


Filmed with a thermal camera we see a hand touching objects in the plaster sculpture depot of the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam. Focusing on the transference of body heat from hands to objects, bringing them into focus as they light up with the heat.

Unfixed GalaxiesSema Bekirovic2018

Unfixed Galaxies, Sema Bekirovic, 2018

Sema Bekirovic


Unfixed analogue photographic prints (80×60cm), framed behind red glass. A photogram is developed but purposely left unfixed, so the print remains sensitive to light.

While weaving a Liar’s cloth (contact prints)Gwenneth Boelens2017

While weaving a Liar’s cloth (contact prints), Gwenneth Boelens, 2017

Gwenneth Boelens


While reading on the history of textiles, the artist came across a small reproduction of a ‘liar’s cloth’ from the late 19th century made by the Ashanti (Ashanti Empire 1701–1957, present-day southern Ghana).

Glued EyePeter Bogers2020

Glued Eye, Peter Bogers, 2020

Peter Bogers


The installation Glued Eye consists of two black and white video images, one video projector and two thin (2 mm) illuminated fibre lines. A large projection shows images of moving objects or people that are fixed in one place on the wall by means of a sophisticated tracking technique.

Phantom PowerYoichi Kamimura2019

Phantom Power, Yoichi Kamimura, 2019

Yoichi Kamimura


In 'Phantom Power' various types of glass containing water stand together on top of a metal plate. The water is ice collected by Kamimura from drift ice when he was making field recordings of it in the Sea of Okhotsk from February to March 2019, and which has been artificially melted.

Core 2, digital animationNicolas Sassoon & Rick Silva2019

Core 2, digital animation, Nicolas Sassoon & Rick Silva, 2019

Nicolas Sassoon & Rick Silva


CORES is a collaborative project initiated in 2019 by artists Nicolas Sassoon (Vancouver, BC) and Rick Silva (Eugene, OR) focusing on 3D renderings of altered geological specimens. 


Hiryczuk / Van Oevelen Elodie Hiryczuk Sjoerd van Oevelen


The photographic work Gaze Multiple – Hawthorn (2021) comprises five vertical panels presented parallel to each other in a composition inspired by East Asian folding screens.

The Reflection of the Man, video stillMartine Stig2021

The Reflection of the Man, video still, Martine Stig, 2021

Martine Stig


In "The Reflection of the Man" —a video essay—, I grapple the meaning of Human in a hybrid world. Deploying and reflecting on ubiquitous technologies like face recognition software, I explore the act of seeing, beyond the explorative and embodied act.


Frank Bloem


The Embassy of the North Sea commissioned fragrance designer Frank Bloem to collect 40 scents from and around the North Sea. 


Yoichi Kamimura

3 October 2021 4:30 pm

Looiersgracht 60, Amsterdam



Ecotherapy is a sound performance by the artist Yoichi Kamimura, whose installation Phantom Power is part of From Seeing to Acting.

Julian Ross

3 October 2021 1:30 pm

Looiersgracht 60, Amsterdam.

Sunday 3 October the exhibition will close with a film program curated by Julian Ross (Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS)).

Frank Bloem

1 October 2021 5:00 pm

Looiersgracht 60

Artist talk + Q&A by olfactory artist Frank Bloem and ‘On Representation and Polyphony of the North Sea’, a presentation by Harpo ‘t Hart, The Embassy of the North Sea.

Mustapha Azeroual

26 September 2021 2:00 pm

Looiersgracht 60, Amsterdam

Artist talk + Q&A by artist Mustapha Azeroual about his Echo and Radiance series, in which he explores the materiality and conditions of light through experimental photography and sculpture.

Hiryczuk / Van Oevelen

26 September 2021 3:00 pm

Looiersgracht 60, Amsterdam

Artist talk by Hiryczuk/ Van Oevelen about their current (visual) research about what seeing can mean for our relation with the environment.

Ilse van Rijn

2 October 2021 4:00 pm

Looiersgracht 60, Amsterdam

Performative lecture 'Fire, or how to get rid of those embarrassing graphic markers’ by Ilse van Rijn. On living/writing with a more-than-human world. Followed by a conversation with Ilse van Rijn and Martine Stig about their collaboration and respective works ‘Fire’ and 'The Reflection of the Man'.


Other Radical Events

Doina Kraal Roger Cremers

26 November 2023 - 22 December 2023

Looiersgracht 60, Amsterdam

Radical Reversibility and Looiersgracht 60 present Of Gaia and Ouranos, a new exhibition by Roger Cremers and Doina Kraal, curated by Frank van der Stok and Taco Hidde Bakker. 

Doina Kraal Roger Cremers Boele Weemhoff Sylvian Kloens

25 November 2023 7:30 pm

Looiersgracht 60, Amsterdam

Roger Cremers & Doina Kraal, Of Gaia and Ouranos  … Exhibition at Looiersgracht 60, Amsterdam: 26.11—22.12.2023 … Public opening: 25.11.2023, 7:30–10 PM (performance at 8 PM) Performance Of Rheia and Kronos in collaboration with musicians Boele Weemhoff and Sylvian Kloens …  

Doina Kraal Roger Cremers Boele Weemhoff Sylvian Kloens

10 September 2022 8:00 pm

Looiersgracht 60, Amsterdam

Archive Event V at Looiersgracht 60 concludes the first Public Research Residency with artists Doina Kraal and Roger Cremers, who will perform Oumuamua, a transhistorical sound play in collaboration with musicians Boele Weemhoff and Sylvian Kloens.

Spiritus (work in progress)LNDW Studio2022

Spiritus (work in progress), LNDW Studio, 2022

Taede A. Smedes Philippe Ailleris Doina Kraal Roger Cremers Taco Hidde Bakker Frank van der Stok

3 September 2022 4:00 pm

Looiersgracht 60, Amsterdam

A talk and public discussion about Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, the imagination and speculations about extraterrestrial life and intelligence, with guests Philippe Ailleris and Taede A. Smedes and moderators Doina Kraal and Taco Hidde Bakker.  

Spiritus (work in progress)Frank van der Stok2022

Spiritus (work in progress), Frank van der Stok, 2022

Doina Kraal Roger Cremers Frank van der Stok Taco Hidde Bakker

27 August 2022 4:00 pm

Looiersgracht 60, Amsterdam

For the second event in the context of the Public Research Residency at Looiersgracht we invite guests for a storytelling event (a miniature time travel through objects and live stories). 

Bram Roza Frank van der Stok Taco Hidde Bakker Doina Kraal Roger Cremers

20 August 2022 7:30 pm

Looiersgracht 60, Amsterdam

Film screening of The Phenomenon (James Fox, 2020) with an introduction by UFO-researcher Bram Roza about the film and his own documentary-in-progress, De UFO’s van Soesterberg. 

Doina Kraal Roger Cremers Frank van der Stok Taco Hidde Bakker

8 August 2022 - 10 September 2022

Looiersgracht 60, Amsterdam

Looiersgracht 60 and Radical Reversibility are welcoming Amsterdam-based artists Doina Kraal (1980) and Roger Cremers (1972) as the first participants of the Public Research Residency.

Julian Ross

3 October 2021 1:30 pm

Looiersgracht 60, Amsterdam.

Sunday 3 October the exhibition will close with a film program curated by Julian Ross (Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS)).

Yoichi Kamimura

3 October 2021 4:30 pm

Looiersgracht 60, Amsterdam



Ecotherapy is a sound performance by the artist Yoichi Kamimura, whose installation Phantom Power is part of From Seeing to Acting.

Ilse van Rijn

2 October 2021 4:00 pm

Looiersgracht 60, Amsterdam

Performative lecture 'Fire, or how to get rid of those embarrassing graphic markers’ by Ilse van Rijn. On living/writing with a more-than-human world. Followed by a conversation with Ilse van Rijn and Martine Stig about their collaboration and respective works ‘Fire’ and 'The Reflection of the Man'.

Frank Bloem

1 October 2021 5:00 pm

Looiersgracht 60

Artist talk + Q&A by olfactory artist Frank Bloem and ‘On Representation and Polyphony of the North Sea’, a presentation by Harpo ‘t Hart, The Embassy of the North Sea.

Mustapha Azeroual

26 September 2021 2:00 pm

Looiersgracht 60, Amsterdam

Artist talk + Q&A by artist Mustapha Azeroual about his Echo and Radiance series, in which he explores the materiality and conditions of light through experimental photography and sculpture.

Hiryczuk / Van Oevelen

26 September 2021 3:00 pm

Looiersgracht 60, Amsterdam

Artist talk by Hiryczuk/ Van Oevelen about their current (visual) research about what seeing can mean for our relation with the environment.

Murat Yildiz

16 September 2021 - 24 September 2021

Looiersgracht 60 (Wed-Sun 12-6PM)

Non-Eye Centric Drawings - performative part. Artist Murat Yildiz will draw live in the exhibition space.

Seeing Without a Seerradicalreversibility2018

Seeing Without a Seer, radicalreversibility, 2018

30 September 2018 - 30 September 2018

Looiersgracht 60, Amsterdam, Netherlands

The art cooperative Radical Reversibility and Looiersgracht 60 cordially invite you to the finissage of the exhibition Seeing without a Seer this Sunday 30 September at 14 h. For this occasion Radical Reversibility (RR) has invited two highly original authors, Peter Delpeut and Taco Hidde Bakker …

Radical Reversibility

29 September 2018 - 29 September 2018

Lecture by Agnieszka Wolodzko about ocularcentrism during the workshop Seeing without a Seer for students of the Master Institute AKV St. Joost and honours programme of Artez Hogeschool.

Radical Reversibility

29 September 2018 - 29 September 2018

Looiersgracht 60, Amsterdam

Masterclass Seeing without a Seer with honours programme Artez and Master Insitute St. Joost.

Visual case study by Sjoerd van Oevelen2018

Visual case study by Sjoerd van Oevelen, 2018

Radical Reversibility

21 September 2018 - 21 September 2018

Looiersgracht 60, Amsterdam

In the context of an ongoing research programme the art cooperative Radical Reversibility organizes, in collaboration with Looiersgracht 60, the exhibition and symposium Seeing without a Seer.

Exhibition view with works by Hans Gremmen and Hiryczuk/ van Oevelen2018

Exhibition view with works by Hans Gremmen and Hiryczuk/ van Oevelen, 2018

Radical Reversibility

20 September 2018 - 30 September 2018

Looiersgracht 60, Amsterdam

Seeing without a Seer explores alternative ways of looking, thinking and image-making that evade the central position of the viewer. 

Elodie Hiryczuk

29 November 2017 - 29 November 2017

UniArts, Helsinki

The Prognostics lecture series at UniArts inquires into the future of art by taking a closer look at the new languages, models and forms that the latest generation of artists are creating in response to the urgent questions arising today in the domains of art, politics and sociology.

Radical Reversibility

24 September 2017 - 24 September 2017

The Living Room, Westergasfabriek, Amsterdam

Talk with Martine Stig and Sjoerd van Oevelen, with an introduction by Lars Willumeit, curator of the Unseen CO-OP.

Radical Reversibility

21 September 2017 - 24 September 2017

UNSEEN Amsterdam, Westergasfabriek

Unseen CO-OP


For Unseen CO-OP – the new addition to Unseen, the international platform for contemporary photography – curator Lars Willumeit has selected RR together with 12 international art collectives to present themselves.